
Volume 3, Number 2 • Fall 1980

Dick Anthony and Thomas Robbins
Contemporary Religion and the Cultural Crisis

Donald Moss
Transformation of Self and World in Johannes Tauler’s Mysticism

Philip Novak
The Guardians at the Gate: Archetypes, Angels and A Priori Forms

Valerie A. Valle and Elizabeth L. Kruger
The Nature and Expression of Feminine Consciousness Through Psychology and Literature

Michael Washburn
The Bimodal and Tri-Phasic Structures of Human Experience

Ken Wilber
The Pre/Trans Fallacy

Daniel Goleman and Mark Epstein
Meditation and Well-Being: An Eastern Model of Psychological Health

David Brisson
A Mathematical Physical Model in Support of Jung’s Concept of Synchronicity

Mark Woodhouse
Holistic Theories of Time

Rolf Von Eckartsberg and Ron Valle
Heideggerian Thinking and the Eastern Mind


Jeremy Rifkin and Ted Howard
The Emerging Order: God in the Age of Scarcity

Kenneth Ring
Life At Death: A Scientific Investigation of the Near-Death Experience

Stanislav and Christina Grof
Beyond Death: The Gates of Consciousness

Jean Sulzberger
Search: Journey On The Inner Path

Marilyn Ferguson
The Aquarian Conspiracy: Personal and Social Transformation in the 1980’S

Roger N. Walsh and Frances Vaughn
Beyond Ego: Transpersonal Dimensions in Psychology

John Blofeld
Gateway to Wisdom


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