
Volume 33, Numbers 3 & 4 • Summer/Fall 2020

Double Issue • Full Color

Places of Hope

Karen Jaenke and Jürgen Werner Kremer, Editors

Karen Jaenke & Jürgen Werner Kremer
Editor’s Introduction: Places of Hope

Leny Mendoza Strobel
Dear 2020

Kimmy Johnson
The Lone Monk

Jürgen Werner Kremer
Coming-to-Presence at My Place of Hope

R.L. Boyer

Karen Jaenke
Loving Life

Paul Callaghan
Revitalising Hope Through the Power of Story

jim perkinson

S. Lily Mendoza
Hope Summons: Meditations on An-Other-World Seeing

Glenn Aparicio Parry
Fear, Hope, Love in Covid Times

Helena Soholm
When the Ancestors Call, How Do We Answer? Princess Bari, a Heroine’s Journey

Michael Gray
Strumming the Strings of Hope

jim perkinson

Leny Mendoza Strobel
Archiving Hop

Pascal Layman
Ecomorphic Eudaimonia: Three Principles Toward a World-Worth-Hoping-For

Fariba Bogzaran
Contemplating Hope

Isoke Femi
The Day the Horses Rode By: Reflections on the Redemptive Potential of Black Practices of Overcoming


ReVision Publishing price: $20.00