
Volume 25, Number 2 • Fall 2002

Indigenous Language Revitalization

Melissa Nelson, Editor

Leanne Hinton

Melissa Nelson

Matthew C. Bronson
Rekindling the Flutes of Fire: Why Indigenous Languages Matter to Humanity

Philip M. Klasky and Melissa Nelson
Storyscapes: Living Songs in Native Lands

Luisa Maffi
Diversity and the Spice of Life

Dan Moonhawk Alford
Nurturing a Faint Call in the Blood: A Linguist Encounters Languages of Ancient America

Otis Parrish
The People from on Top of the Land: A Kashaya Pomo Elder’s Journey

Melissa Nelson
Moyla Tuupanga: The Moon Is in the Sky: An Interview with L. Frank Manriquez


ReVision Publishing price: $10.00