
Volume 31, Number 2 • Winter 2020

Intuition for a World in Crisis

Prabhath P & Matthew C. Bronson, Editors

Prabhath P & Matthew C. Bronson
Intuiting a World in Balance

Henry Reed
When Hearts Are Joined: My Story of Exploring Our Interconnectedness through Intuition

Amy I. Ramdass
The Inner Voice (Poem)

Matthew C. Bronson & Leslie Gray
Lost and Found: Recovering Intuition for a World in Crisis

Joyce A. Kovelman & Hoang Van Due
The Third Ventricle: Temple of the Soul

Facilitated by J. Ruth Gendler
Texts by Children: Your Soul’s Eye by Alex Trux

Prabhath P
Integral Intuitive Communion With Gaia

Matthew C. Bronson
Clairparlance: Activating Intuitive Communication

Riley Felt, Facilitated by J. Ruth Gendler
Texts by Children: People Said the World Will Change in Time

Arupa L. Tesolin
The Ecology of Intuition: From Crisis to Opportunity

Alex N. Moyer
Painting in the Sky (Poem)

Jonathan S. Watts
Book Review: The Engaged Spiritual Life: A Buddhist Approach to Transforming Ourselves and the World, by Donald Rothberg (2006).


ReVision Publishing price: $10.00